Meditation for October – Inner Abundance

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Extract from the book ‘You are the light of the world’ by Haniel Sofia Rivière

‘Christ be formed in you’
Gal 4-19

Reviewing questions and suggestions to consider

1) This meditation helps us focus on our inner abundance.

2) It will also help us release the fear of lack.

3) Can you see your own path towards Christhood? Do you accept that this is the ultimate role of your passage on Earth? Can you recall when you started to be aware of the presence of the Christ within? When did you consciously start your journey? What were the main events in your life which acted as signposts to direct you towards the path of Christhood?

4) How do the words ‘Guardian of the Earth’ resonate in you? Do you feel called to working with the light, to pray and ask for specific help on Earth for the good of all humanity? Can you see yourself becoming pro-active in your spiritual practice?

5) The path of abundance
When we are on the path of abundance we cultivate an attitude of generosity and we act as though there is plenty for us and for everyone, everywhere.
We need to realise what ‘claiming our inheritance as children of God’ means. This river of abundance available to everyone who realises they are entitled to claim it. Believing in abundance instead of lack is the first step. The belief of lack comes from the concept of separation from God in our consciousness, God who is the source of all. We need to correct this belief and accept our divine inheritance as son or daughter of God, to accept God as our supplier, God as our sustenance.