Meditation for November – Inner Connection

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Extract from the book ‘You are the light of the world’ by Haniel Sofia Rivière

‘I call you my friends’
John 15-15

Reviewing questions and suggestions to consider

1) This meditation helps us focus on our sense of inner connection.

2) It also help us releasing the fear of loneliness.

3) How do you speak to yourself when you review your spiritual life? Is it a series of ‘must’, ‘should’ and ‘have to’ you use ?
I ‘must’ pray, I ‘should’ meditate, I ‘have to’ read this book…
Do you feel free in your personal practice or have you erected ‘dogmas’ or ‘superstition’ in your own beliefs that you are following without joy and togetherness with God? Take time to review your spiritual practices.

4) How do you approach the divine? What experience of togetherness and brotherhood, have you had?

5) Path of togetherness: sisterhood and brotherhood
We are on the path of togetherness when we enter a space of non-judgement and freedom. We are on the path of togetherness when we can view humanity as being part of our extended family and through this, performing acts of kindness to anyone we meet. We can reach out to our sisters and brothers in our global interconnection. Each of our positive thoughts, feelings of love or friendship or any of our acts of kindness will further enrich the network of light going around the planet.