Meditation for December – Inner Peace

Meditation for December – Inner Peace

Blog English
Extract from the book ‘You are the light of the world’ by Haniel Sofia Rivière ‘God created man in His own image’ Gen 1-27 Reviewing questions and suggestions to consider 1) This meditation helps us focus on our inner peace. 2) It also helps us releasing the fear of division, or lack of unity. 3) What image do you have of your Creator ? When you say the word ‘God’ what comes to you ? Which symbol would most define your sense of the divine ? 4) How does the expression ‘co-creation with the divine’ resonate in your heart? Are you able to see yourself as co-creating a new reality with God? 5) Take time to review the process which has taken place in yourself during the eleven previous meditations. Can…
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Meditation for November – Inner Connection

Meditation for November – Inner Connection

Blog English
Extract from the book ‘You are the light of the world’ by Haniel Sofia Rivière ‘I call you my friends’ John 15-15 Reviewing questions and suggestions to consider 1) This meditation helps us focus on our sense of inner connection. 2) It also help us releasing the fear of loneliness. 3) How do you speak to yourself when you review your spiritual life? Is it a series of ‘must’, ‘should’ and ‘have to’ you use ? I ‘must’ pray, I ‘should’ meditate, I ‘have to’ read this book… Do you feel free in your personal practice or have you erected ‘dogmas’ or ‘superstition’ in your own beliefs that you are following without joy and togetherness with God? Take time to review your spiritual practices. 4) How do you approach the…
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The Archangel Michael Line

The Archangel Michael Line

Blog English
This line is also called 'the sword of the Archangel Michael' linking 7 sanctuaries dedicated to the Archangel Michael. Interestingly the line crosses through the island of Patmos, from East to West.  This perfect line is also aligned with the Sun at the time of the summer solstice. Let's have a look at the 7 sanctuaries - the line starts in Ireland and ends in Palestine, crossing Cornwall, France, Italy and Greece. 1) Skellig Michael in Ireland Legends tell of the importance of the islands in prehistoric, pagan times, but the known history of Skellig Michael begins when a monastery was founded near the summit in the middle of the 7th century. Consisting of distinctive ‘beehive’ stone huts clustered around an oratory and a tiny vegetable garden, this was truly…
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Meditation for October – Inner Abundance

Meditation for October – Inner Abundance

Blog English
Extract from the book ‘You are the light of the world’ by Haniel Sofia Rivière ‘Christ be formed in you’ Gal 4-19 Reviewing questions and suggestions to consider 1) This meditation helps us focus on our inner abundance. 2) It will also help us release the fear of lack. 3) Can you see your own path towards Christhood? Do you accept that this is the ultimate role of your passage on Earth? Can you recall when you started to be aware of the presence of the Christ within? When did you consciously start your journey? What were the main events in your life which acted as signposts to direct you towards the path of Christhood? 4) How do the words ‘Guardian of the Earth’ resonate in you? Do you feel…
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Méditation pour Février

Blog English
Extrait du livre ‘You are the light of the world’ de Haniel Sofia Rivière ‘Celui qui demeure en l’amour, demeure en Dieu et Dieu en lui’ 1 Jean 4:16 Suggestions et thèmes à visiter en vous-même: 1) Fermez les yeux et relaxez votre corps et centrez votre attention sur votre coeur. Dans cette attitude, posez-vous la question ‘est-ce que j’accepte réellement que Dieu/ le divin / l’univers / m’aime inconditionnellement ?’ Observez votre réaction à ce questionnement et prenez note des idées qui vous viennent et qui empêchent cet amour de venir vous nourrir ? Vous avez peut être vécu de nombreuse existences durant lesquelles vous avez cru qu’il fallait se conformer à certaines conditions pour mériter l’amour de Dieu. Pouvez-vous accepter qu’il n’y a rien en vous qui vous…
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Meditation for September – Inner Joy

Meditation for September – Inner Joy

Blog English
Extract from the book ‘You are the light of the world’ by Haniel Sofia Rivière   ‘You are the light of the world’ Mat 5-14 Reviewing questions and suggestions to consider 1) This meditation helps us focus on our inner joy. 2) It also helps us releasing the fear of failure. 3) Does the expression ‘light-worker’ resonate in your heart? 4) Does each colour of the rainbow bring you a different emotion? What colours attract you most? Look around you. Notice the colours you are choosing to wear or to surround you with in your house. The use of colours in visualisation is a very powerful practice. 5) The path of joy We are on the path of joy when we approach life with a buoyant attitude, when we feel…
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Meditation for August – Inner Transformation

Meditation for August – Inner Transformation

Blog English
Extract from the book ‘You are the light of the world’ by Haniel Sofia Rivière ‘‘Blessed be the pure in heart for they shall see God’ Mat 5 - 8 Reviewing questions and suggestions to consider 1) This meditation helps us focus on our inner transformation. 2) It also helps releasing the fear of transformation. 3) What are the emotional attachments you are aware of ? List them and evaluate in your heart if they ‘feel’ in alignment with your spiritual nature. 4) Can you recall a time in your life when you went through a personal emotional upheaval and where you felt deeply hurt? Maybe when you felt ‘broken-hearted’? If you were looking at this experience again with neutrality, if you were able to take a certain distance -…
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Meditation for July – Inner Truth

Meditation for July – Inner Truth

Blog English
Extract from the book ‘You are the light of the world’ by Haniel Sofia Rivière ‘You will know the truth and the truth will make you free’ John 8-32 Reviewing questions and suggestions to consider 1)This meditation helps you focus on your inner truth. 2) It also helps releasing the fear of being judged by others. 3) How open are you about questioning your acquired beliefs and knowledge to date? Do you often agree to disagree and look for the status quo in discussions, so nobody needs to move from their pre-determined beliefs? 4) Draw a list of the limitations you are aware of in yourself. Which areas of your life make you feel anxious? What are the repetitive feelings or thoughts you face which you find unhelpful but still…
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Meditation for June – Inner Strength

Meditation for June – Inner Strength

Blog English
Extract from the book ‘You are the light of the world’ by Haniel Sofia Rivière ’‘He who is the richest amongst you shall be your servant’ Mt 23:11   Reviewing questions and suggestions to consider 1) This meditation helps us concentrate on our inner strength. 2) It helps us release the fear of our ego of not being perfect. 3) If you could find enough time for volunteering for a special cause, something which would truly rejoice your heart to take part in, what would this be? 4) What is your inner attitude towards giving? 5) The unhelpful tendency to compare ourselves to others bring the ego-mind to want to compete and therefore criticise others. When you compare yourself to others what are the criteria you are using? Comparing and…
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Meditation for May – Inner Fulfilment

Meditation for May – Inner Fulfilment

Blog English
Extract from the book ‘You are the light of the world’ by Haniel Sofia Rivière ‘Love is the fulfilment of the law’ Rm 13:10 Reviewing questions and suggestions to consider 1) This meditation helps us concentrate on our Inner fulfilment in the context of our relationship with others, based on love. 2) This meditation help us releasing the fear of not being good enough in comparison to others. 3) Can you recall a time when you gave your love freely with joy and felt fulfilled? Go back to this experience and capture its essence to enable you to reconnect with the sensation whenever you feel you are deviating from the place of love. 4) Do you feel that some people or situation do not deserve your love? Look into this…
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