Meditation for April – Inner Safety

Meditation for April – Inner Safety

Blog English
Extract from the book ‘You are the light of the world’ by Haniel Sofia Rivière ‘If we walk in the light, as He is Himself light, we are in mutual communion’ 1John 7 To help you connect with the deeper meaning fo these sacred words, I created this guided meditation as a downloadable MP3 available on amazon as ‘meditation for inner safety' – have a look at my page on guided meditations for more information. Reviewing questions and suggestions to consider 1) Planning your day ahead As you are falling asleep, contemplate your next day ahead, and send light to it. Imagine yourself working and going about your day surrounded with light. 2) Wake up to witness the sunrise and feel the communion with nature at the moment the sun appears at…
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Meditation for March – Inner Creativity

Meditation for March – Inner Creativity

Blog English
Extract from the book ‘You are the light of the world’ by Haniel Sofia Rivière ‘Be still and know that I am God’ Ps 46 (45) v11 To help you connect with the deeper meaning fo these sacred words, I created this guided meditation as a downloadable MP3 available on amazon as ‘meditation for inner creativity’ – have a look at my page on guided meditations for more information. 1) Exploring ‘attunement’ The practice of ‘attunement’ is the process of getting into oneself, in the silence, to connect with our inner point of balance, and in centring ourself in the present before starting a task. Standing or seating still, with the eyes closed, and focusing on our breathing for a moment,and considering the task we need to accomplish. It may be…
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Meditation for February – Inner Love

Meditation for February – Inner Love

Blog English
Extract from the book ‘You are the light of the world’ by Haniel Sofia Rivière ‘God is love, and who abides in love abides in God and God abides in him’ 1 John 4:16 To help you connect with the deeper meaning fo these scared words, I created this guided meditation as a downloadable MP3 available on amazon as ‘meditation for inner love’ – have a look at my page on guided meditations for more information. Reviewing questions and suggestions to consider 1) Close your eyes and allow your body to relax and centre your attention on your heart. Ask yourself ‘do I truthfully accept that God loves me unconditionally?’ Observe your reactions and focus on any thoughts which come up to prevent this love from flowing through you. We may have had…
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Meditation for January – Inner Purpose

Meditation for January – Inner Purpose

Blog English
Extract from the book ‘You are the light of the world’ by Haniel Sofia Rivière ‘Behold I make all things new’ Rev 21,4 To help you connect with the deeper meaning fo these sacred words, I created this guided meditation as a downloadable MP3 available on amazon as 'meditation for inner purpose' - have a look at my page on guided meditations for more information. Reviewing questions and suggestions to consider 1) Looking over last year’s activities, what ‘newness’ have you welcomed into your life? Make a list of the new things you experienced this last year, the new encounters and the new friendships you made. Who brought something new in your life? Which new things did you achieve and experience at work, or in your leisure time? Do you feel…
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Twelve days of Christmas – Meditation for each day

Twelve days of Christmas – Meditation for each day

Blog English
The twelve days of Christmas mark a period of transition - there are 6 days in December and 6 days in January. Therefore, an ideal time to pause and review the past to ensure we continue to grow and make better choices for the new year ahead. We are invited to enter a time of rest and reflexion in order to re-align ourselves and take time to hear our inner voice telling us what is our heart's yearning to manifest or co-create with the universe this coming year. We also know from tradition that these days are believed to be 'sacred' - since the antiquity they were special rituals followed in those days and the veil between Heaven and Earth was said to be thinner then. A time when we…
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On spiritual nourishment

On spiritual nourishment

Blog English
How hungry is your soul? In the same way our body needs nourishment, our soul-consciousness needs to be looked after and given proper attention. It is also in need of nourishment. I have realised through the years of accompanying people on their psycho-spiritual journey that soul nourishment is often overlooked. For exemple, when we eat we concentrate on our senses of taste and smell and we may select our food using our sense of sight, we may be attracted by the colour of a fruit or the appetising look of a pastry. We will take in the food and hopefully get a pleasurable experience from it. On our soul level, we need to feed ourselves in the same way ensuring that all our senses (sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste)…
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