Extract from the book ‘You are the light of the world’ by Haniel Sofia Rivière
‘God is love, and who abides in love abides in God and God abides in him’
1 John 4:16
To help you connect with the deeper meaning fo these scared words, I created this guided meditation as a downloadable MP3 available on amazon as ‘meditation for inner love’ – have a look at my page on guided meditations for more information.
Reviewing questions and suggestions to consider
1) Close your eyes and allow your body to relax and centre your attention on your heart. Ask yourself ‘do I truthfully accept that God loves me unconditionally?’ Observe your reactions and focus on any thoughts which come up to prevent this love from flowing through you. We may have had many lifetimes during which we believed that we needed to conform to some conditions in order to be worthy of God’s love. Can you accept that your are loveable and that the love of God is unconditional towards you? Can you accept that there is nothing in you that can make yourself unworthy of God’s love?
2) Think of an object your feel you ‘need’ to possess. Link its image to your heart and feel if there is an attachment to it. You don’t need to judge yourself badly for it, just be in the neutrality and accept what comes. If you observe that there is an attachment then accept
it. What is this attachment telling you about yourself. If you could not acquire this possession would you feel ‘less’? In which way?
3) Who are you? Or rather, who would you be, without your partner, without your job, without your car, without your friends?
What is your relationship with the material resources? How attached are you to your possessions? Which possession do you feel are linked to your identity, if any? What could you not bear lose ? What does it say about you?
4) This meditation if about inner-love – It helps you connect with your inner child and dispel the fear of anti-love.