Extract from the book ‘You are the light of the world’ by Haniel Sofia Rivière
‘Behold I make all things new’
Rev 21,4
To help you connect with the deeper meaning fo these sacred words, I created this guided meditation as a downloadable MP3 available on amazon as ‘meditation for inner purpose’ – have a look at my page on guided meditations for more information.
Reviewing questions and suggestions to consider
1) Looking over last year’s activities, what ‘newness’ have you welcomed into your life?
Make a list of the new things you experienced this last year, the new encounters and the new friendships you made. Who brought something new in your life? Which new things did
you achieve and experience at work, or in your leisure time? Do you feel your new projects were aligned with your life purpose? Did you pursue them with enthusiasm?
2) Which new projects will you choose to attract in your life this coming year?
Whilst meditating, connect with your heart’s desire and feel what you need to welcome into your life. Is there any new understanding or insight you may have about your life in general, about your life purpose? Maybe something new you have noticed in your likes
and dislikes.
What are the new things you would like to manifest in your life in the year ahead?
A new project perhaps? Or a new job? A new decision? A new relationship?
3) Dissolving the fear of change
This meditation helps dissolve the fear of change. This meditation invites you to detach yourself from the fears as they are no longer useful or helpful to your journey. You realise that your fears are acting as barriers towards the accomplishment of your life purpose.