Meditation for June – Inner Strength

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Extract from the book ‘You are the light of the world’ by Haniel Sofia Rivière

’‘He who is the richest amongst you shall be your servant’
Mt 23:11


Reviewing questions and suggestions to consider

1) This meditation helps us concentrate on our inner strength.

2) It helps us release the fear of our ego of not being perfect.

3) If you could find enough time for volunteering for a special cause, something which would truly rejoice your heart to take part in, what would this be?

4) What is your inner attitude towards giving?

5) The unhelpful tendency to compare ourselves to others bring the ego-mind to want to compete and therefore criticise others. When you compare yourself to others what are the criteria you are using? Comparing and competing demonstrate that we become fearful of not being valuable enough compared to others, and this leads inevitably to envy and jealousy. In which area of your life are you more likely to compare yourself to others?
This tendency depletes yourselves of your energy. When you are catching yourselves criticising someone, become aware of what is happening in your mind. In the inner knowledge that others are a mirror to your own self, what is the criticism truly about, what does it say about yourselves? What is the necessary self-adjustment these critical thoughts inspires you to take?