Meditation for May – Inner Fulfilment

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Extract from the book ‘You are the light of the world’ by Haniel Sofia Rivière

‘Love is the fulfilment of the law’
Rm 13:10

Reviewing questions and suggestions to consider

1) This meditation helps us concentrate on our Inner fulfilment in the context of our relationship with others, based on love.

2) This meditation help us releasing the fear of not being good enough in comparison to others.

3) Can you recall a time when you gave your love freely with joy and felt fulfilled? Go back to this experience and capture its essence to enable you to reconnect with the sensation whenever you feel you are deviating from the place of love.

4) Do you feel that some people or situation do not deserve your love? Look into this further and express the reason why this is the case. What does it tell you about yourself?

5) Can you observe any repetitive patterns in the people you meet or situation you are facing whereby you feel your love has not been valued. What does it say about yourself?